Tending II – the return

Hello everyone!

I am Lexxie – I am a permaculture teacher, gardener, mother of one, jack of all trade and generally fun to be around ! More on me here. I’ve already met some of you and I hope to see you all soon in the garden.

You might have also met Jocelyn who’s a permaculturist and gardener, a community development worker, my dearest friend, and even more fun to be around ! Read about Joss here.

Together, we will be working on the Tending ‘make-over’ and we will be tending the garden every Thursday morning till lunch time. We’ll also update this blog as well as the board inside the courtyard.

Next Thursday (10 May) I will wipe the board off its current content and start anew. I’ll invite you to write your name and email address so that we can keep you posted.

We have great plans about Tending. And you’re an integral part of them! 🙂

The general idea is to help Tending…

  • a fun place to hang around and have meetings or whatnot,
  • produce copious amount of food,
  • recycle some of the local waste (food waste for the café and the nearby gardens, etc.),
  • be a space to interact with student’s art,
  • teach gardening and permaculture to those who want,
  • and make use of the space for something creative, productive and fun!

I will take my current permaculture design certificate students for a whole day (Saturday 19 May) of teaching and site analysis. Upon this visit, they will be able to exercise their design skills and propose several permaculture options for the site.

We will keep you posted of what’s coming next, but in a few words, we’d like to facilitate a design session (over lunch break) and hear your needs, dreams, visions for Tending.

So stay tune and see you soon,

Lexxie & Joss

5 thoughts on “Tending II – the return

  1. A big welcome to Lexxie and Joss!

    Diego and I are so pleased that you guys have stepped up to take Tending to the next level. We’re really excited to see where the garden at SCA will go under your expert guidance!

    a big wormfarm of wishes from

    Lucas (former Tending Tenderer, now Tending Alumnus).

  2. well done Alexia and Joss,
    so happy that new energy i stepping in and Tending.2 is on its way.
    keep us updated on the developments, we’l drop in every now n then to help and catch up.
    Happy Tending!
    Diego, Tending alumni

  3. Hello Lexxie & Joss … I add my happy thanks and wholehearted endorsement to the new Tending that is pending.

    I wholeheartedly agree with all the plans and hopes that you have listed for the project.

    And one more thing … I’m excited by the idea that we can use Tending as a way of asking questions and developing bright new directions around the idea of ‘permaculture aesthetics’. In fact, I like to think of the New Tending as an informal ‘Research Centre for Permaculture Aesthetics’.

    None of this contradicts any of the great ideas and aspirations that you have already outlined.

    We have exciting times ahead.


  4. Hi Lexxie and Joss
    passed by Tending today and the garden is so inviting.
    i missed getting my hands dirty with Lucas and Diego – Tending 1, but hope i can find time to join you both thursdays as my workshop schedule permits.

    am keen to learn more about permaculture and I love the sound of RG’s permaculture aesthetics too.

    Virginia H

  5. Hi there, I need to get in touch with Lexxie please. I tried last Thursday at SCA but must have missed you. I appreciatec if you would contact me. Herzlichst, Iris

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